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September 19, 2006

Quick update …

Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 10:16 am

Six minutes on the timer. Eeek. Everything is running to plan, maybe it here in one piece. No major hassles, although I did almost miss one of my flights.

No time to talk about the places I’ve visited. I’ll add more when I get the chance.

Posted in the Hermitage museum in St. Petersburg.

July 17, 2006

We all make mistakes …

Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 3:53 pm

Well it might not be due to a mistake but the site’s been up and down all weekend due to some file server sanfu at dreamhost. I recall my on-call support days and so I don’t really envy them working all weekend with a server that’s eating disks for no discernible reason.

I also make mistakes, six weeks ago, I said:

So, instead of that post, you get a Big Brother prediction.

Overall Winner: Nikki. Yes. Really. Not saying that’s who I’d like to win, but it’s what’ll happen. Just wait and see.

Well that was clearly wrong. I’d revise my predication but it’s all too tediously obvious now. I doubt that’ll stop me watching but then I may be a little addicted to it.

We shouldn’t feel bad, even nature makes mistakes, it forgot to colour in half this lobster.

April 17, 2006

Box o’ Veg

Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 5:34 pm

I’ve been wanting to sign up to an organic box scheme for a while, but most places were too expensive. A friend recommended East Coast Organics, and so every week I now get one of these:

Full Box of Veg

Box contents and my thoughts on the whole deal are after the jump. (more…)

March 28, 2006


Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 4:20 pm

I noticed an interesting trend in my spam today, this morning I got spams entitled good news, by lunch time it was great news. Now, a few hours later, it’s merely ok news.

I wonder what it’ll be tomorrow.

March 27, 2006

Things I’ve been playing with …

Filed under: General,Web — SpaceDog @ 5:16 pm

Links to a few things I’ve been exploring, first a couple from this list of all things “Web 2.0”.

bebop — a neat little tool that talks to iTunes and tells you about any upcoming gigs featuring artists in your library. It’s a nice idea and very well executed but limited in it’s source of information, it didn’t show several Edinburgh dates (I’m guessing because they’re not listed via Ticketmaster) and it only works with iTunes. It’s early days however and I’m willing to give it a go and see what else gets added.

CouchSurfing — an idea that has a lot of potential and the sort of thing that really leverages some of the reach of the internet. From the site: helps you make connections worldwide. You can use the network to meet people and then go and surf other members’ couches! When you surf a couch, you are a guest at someone’s house. They will provide you with some sort of accommodation, a penthouse apartment or maybe a back yard to pitch your tent in. Stays can be as short as a cup of coffee, a night or two, or even a few months or more. When you offer your couch, you have complete control of who visits. The possibilities are endless and completely up to you.

I’ve been trying to schedule some stuff using HipCal, I’ve never really like the ‘feel’ of any online calendar but this one is quite easy to use and seems to deliver what it promises.

On the not-as-useful side of things there’s this flood map which shows you what’ll be underwater depending on the rise in sea level. (via diamond geezer.)

But mostly this week I’ve been playing with SameGame, a classic and still as addictive as I remember. I lost vast amounts of time a few years ago to Marbles, a variant of the same idea. (via jay is games.)

March 25, 2006

Want Bunny

Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 2:59 pm

Occasionally I see something that makes the part of my brain that is forever a four year old scream “Want!”. The Nabaztag is one such thing.

I’ve seen similar things but they only worked in the States, and had less indicators, and worked on some pager frequency rather than WiFi.

And they weren’t bunny shaped.

March 23, 2006

A Load Of Bull

Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 12:42 am

I manage all my bills and other financial stuff online. This means that I get very little important mail, and I mean old fashioned paper based mail here, but I do get a fair amount of junk through the door.

Until yesterday it had mostly been for dubious get rich quick schemes, large size shoes, loans and booze. Sherlock Holmes would have a field day with my junk mail. “Elementary Watson, he’s an indebted booze hound with large feet.” “Remarkable Holmes.” Quite.

Yesterday, however, I get mail offering me a special on mail order steaks. This struck me as a bit out of the ordinary, but I suppose people order their shopping online maybe there’s a market for high quality meats by mail. Does this sort of mailing work for them? Are they going to pick up new customers this way?

I admit to being tempted to give them a go. I do wonder if there’s some catch (apart from the premium price), maybe it’s like those book or CD clubs and they’ll automatically send me the editors selection at full price every month. Not that that sounds that bad.

Mmmmm, periodic meat.

And if dead beef through the door isn’t enough for you then you can look forward to the Cow Parade coming to Edinburgh soon. I saw the same thing in Monaco (Monacow, ha!) last year. I’ll see if I can dig out some of my cow pictures before they hit Edinburgh.

March 20, 2006

More Monday Mixing

Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 11:29 pm

The greatest film of the year will be Snakes On A Plane, there is no contest. Everyone else may as well stop trying. Follow the cult with Snakes On A Blog and see the not-trailer over at Tagworld. I know that’s very last week but it could be worse, I could be doing Chuck Norris facts.

Hungry? Pick your breakfast over at and get a nice background to drool over all day.

Want more distractions? Go play with the finalists for the 2006 Independent Games Festival or deal with the multi-paged preview over at GameSpy.

Bonus link for the geeks out there, William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18: Original and ActionScript.

March 13, 2006

Monday Afternoon Mixup

Filed under: General,Life — SpaceDog @ 3:15 pm

The alliteration would have worked better had I managed to post this in the morning …

A few links, distractions, whatever to make up for no posts over the last few days, yesterday my hungover self was strangely distracted by this little flash gem. I also discovered that I am, apparently, a Badger:


What Is Your Animal Personality? ( Brought to you by Quizilla )

Some more self-discovery and a bit of other nonsense the jump. (more…)

March 5, 2006

Filler …

Filed under: General,Web — SpaceDog @ 2:21 pm

Hmm, postings dropped off a bit I see, I’ll post a link to a pretty good joke and hope that suffices.

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