UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

March 23, 2006

A Load Of Bull

Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 12:42 am

I manage all my bills and other financial stuff online. This means that I get very little important mail, and I mean old fashioned paper based mail here, but I do get a fair amount of junk through the door.

Until yesterday it had mostly been for dubious get rich quick schemes, large size shoes, loans and booze. Sherlock Holmes would have a field day with my junk mail. “Elementary Watson, he’s an indebted booze hound with large feet.” “Remarkable Holmes.” Quite.

Yesterday, however, I get mail offering me a special on mail order steaks. This struck me as a bit out of the ordinary, but I suppose people order their shopping online maybe there’s a market for high quality meats by mail. Does this sort of mailing work for them? Are they going to pick up new customers this way?

I admit to being tempted to give them a go. I do wonder if there’s some catch (apart from the premium price), maybe it’s like those book or CD clubs and they’ll automatically send me the editors selection at full price every month. Not that that sounds that bad.

Mmmmm, periodic meat.

And if dead beef through the door isn’t enough for you then you can look forward to the Cow Parade coming to Edinburgh soon. I saw the same thing in Monaco (Monacow, ha!) last year. I’ll see if I can dig out some of my cow pictures before they hit Edinburgh.

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