UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

August 29, 2007

Normality Returns?

Filed under: Life — SpaceDog @ 11:03 am

And relax.

The Edinburgh Festival Fringe officially ended on Monday. The International Festival still has a bit less than a week to run and there’s various other bits and bobs going on but in general the city should return to normal. Monday was noticeably quieter than mid-week last week.

And so should my life, my last planned show (Frank Skinner) was on Monday night, he was excellent. Over the last three weeks, I’ll have seen seventeen shows, run several poker nights, attended a few nights out and I spent last Sunday at a wedding. All of which has been great fun but it’s been exhausting.

It’s been the usual mix of good, bad and indifferent but I have seen some excellent stuff. I’ve really enjoyed the shows I’ve seen in the Spiegeltent this year, and I’ve quite enjoyed their beer garden. So much so that I’m considering moving my traditional start-of-festival session there next year although it’s possibly the most expensive bar at any venue.

To make matters more interesting work has started on my bathroom, although it’s stalled again for various reasons. That means I have all the little joys of having work done like having to keep a torch by the bathroom because there’s no electricity in there, or of having a fine layer of dust covering everything and — possibly the worst part — of getting up extra early to get ready so I can let the builders in. It could be worse, at least I have running water. I look forward to being able to post that everything is finished and sorted. But considering I’ve just dismissed the current bunch of builders I guess we’ll see …

And now it’s time to turn my attention to planning the details of my next holiday. Currently I know I’ll be in Los Angeles in just under two months time, Las Vegas a month later and Mexico in between the two. Sounds like fun.

Hopefully more posts next month than I managed this month, but I’ve said that before.

August 6, 2007

But not wiser

Filed under: Life — SpaceDog @ 4:20 pm

If I’d have become wiser with age then I’d know that spending twelve hours drinking in the sunshine will not do wonders for your head the following morning.

I’d also have known not to try the same thing again (with less sunshine and more roast lamb) the next day. Not if I wanted work today to be a pleasant experience.

I’d also have been sensible enough not to leave my wallet in a taxi.

But that’s how it goes.

It was an excellent weekend even with the hangovers and lack of wallet. And I least I didn’t lose my wallet at a point where it was full of tickets as it had been the night before.

My recollection of the shows is a bit vague so nothing more than a thumbs up for Kirsten O’Brien — who is worth seeing if you’re around at the right time. And a thumbs down for Nick Doody who never really caught my attention.

Off to a few more tonight, we’ll see how those go.

August 4, 2007


Filed under: Life,Web — SpaceDog @ 11:29 am

Today marks the start of my 33rd year on the planet (making me 32 to save you thinking it through). You might expect that to have some effect on me, but no. I’ve pretty much ignored the relentlessly ticking clock of age since my mid-twenties. When people ask how old I am my mind thinks “around 24” while my brain desperately tries to work out what the right answer is.

Still, it’s a good excuse for a piss up. So I’m off to see what’s on at the festival.

Just to reassure you that being a year older hasn’t changed me, here’s a bonus rant. From the terms and conditions here:

Before providing a link to our site you must seek our permission. To do this, email Louise with details of the URL to which you wish to link and the URL of the page on which you will be displaying the link. We do not permit the display of our web pages in any html frame unless we have expressly authorised this.

What. The. Fuck?

You idiots. You’re supposed to be making it easier for people to link to your site, you want more visitors, even if the site is worse than last year.

Listen here’s a online-sales basic principal for you: You want to encourage links. As Yoda might say “links lead to traffic, traffic leads to ticket sales and ticket sales lead to profit”.

Even ignoring the monumental stupidity, and the complete unenforceability, of that clause it’s just not how the world wide web works. World wide web. It’s a web. With links. You twats.

Fortunately people either don’t know about the clause (I didn’t until festbitch bitched about it) or everyone ignores it. Or maybe everyone else already e-mailed and asked permission.

But I didn’t. Fuck ’em.

I will monitor my mailboxes, both real and virtual, with glee whilst awaiting my cease-and-desist letter.

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