Since I’ve publicly mentioned some resolutions on the site, I figured I may as well post some periodic progress reports and keep myself honest.
People Visited: 5 (1)
Places Visited: 2 (1)
Countries Visited: 2 (1)
The numbers in brackets are ‘new’ people/places/countries (see the rules below). Not a bad start for the first month, particularly since January is generally the month people just sit around and recover from the holidays. Looking back I actually feel like it’s been a month where I’ve done stuff and not just sat of the sofa. Hopefully that gives me a benchmark to live up to for the rest of the year, February is already shaping up to be just as busy.
The rules (‘cos there have to be rules).
For places and countries the numbers are the number of unique places/countries I’ve been so far this year. The number in brackets indicates the places/countries I’ve never been before. Passing through somewhere due to connecting flights or transfers doesn’t count.
For people it’s the number of people I’ve travelled to visit (counting people in Edinburgh only if I make the effort to visit their home). The number in brackets are people I didn’t visit last year and/or would have been unlikely to visit this year if I hadn’t made a resolution to do so. Partners and family members don’t count extra unless I know them separately and “accidents” don’t count, I have to be deliberately going to see the person.