UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

January 19, 2007

An interesting combination

Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 2:31 pm

I overheard an interesting order while I was waiting for my lunch in the sandwich shop today. I wasn’t deliberately listening but my curiosity was piqued when the lady ordering looked at me in a guilty fashion and then lent right into the counter to whisper her order.

I didn’t catch all of it but it seems she wanted a hot sausage roll. On a bread roll. With brown sauce. A sausage roll roll, if you will. There may have been more components that I missed. Sadly I didn’t get to witness the eventual masterpiece as my turkey sandwich and a pie arrived before it was complete.

And I thought the deep fried mars bars where the low point of Scottish depravity. I’m only glad that the Americans have already laid claim to deep fried butter.

Gah, I just realised that this is a ‘what I had for lunch’ post.

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