UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

October 23, 2008


Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 1:27 pm

“But what about your ‘visit the EU’ resolution, how will your job turmoil affect that?”, is a question that no one has asked.

The closest they’ve come is “Bet you regret spending all that money jetting around the EU now!”

Which is nice of them. I needed reminding.

I have only a few countries left to visit and the flights are all booked. So I’m confident that by the end of the year I’ll have visited every country in the EU in 2008.

I may have to cancel a planned trip to Dublin, but I’ve been there before and I spent a night in the airport this year which is probably enough to calm the completeness freak in me.

I’ll post more about the whole experience once I’ve got the separate country posts up, hopefully before the end of the year, but maybe not.

It’s easy to think I would have been better off, financially, if I hadn’t been doing this but I doubt I would be. Past experience proves that I’d have just done something else with the money anyway. I’m not really a saver.

I’m in the happy position of having a few months, at least, of employment to sort out my finances. It could be a lot worse.

All this does mean that there’s unlikely to be a new resolution for 2009 … unless my life becomes much more settled before then.


  1. Seeing new places is not something to regret.

    Comment by DaveC — October 24, 2008 @ 7:45 am

  2. I regret nothing!

    Apart from possibly the last glass of wine last night.

    Comment by SpaceDog — October 24, 2008 @ 10:04 am

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