UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

November 8, 2007

Further thoughts

Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 12:52 am

Well, I´ve been at least partially proved wrong. We were out drinking until at least 12:30 last night — and that´s with a 8:30am start. I think I´ve about sussed the tour now, the early starts make a lot of sense (that way we beat the traffic and the other tourists) it just cramps the nightlife a bit. But I´ve never let an early start stop me before — I am on holiday after all.

Still I´ve seen some really stunning stuff during the days and there are certainly a few others who are up for a bit of a drink of an evening. For the moment it´s all good.

It´s the long drive into the start of the jungle areas tomorrow, this is the part I´ve been looking forward to. Enough of the sand, desert and cactus, I want plants, insects and stuff.

So, I was probably a bit hasty in my initial jumping to conclusions. I doubt I´ll get another post up for a while, probably not until next week when we hit Belize and half the tour group go a seperate way. Sadly that split will take a few of the more adventurous people away from the tour. But I think the rest of the group might have loosened up by then.

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