In 2008 I tried to visit all 27 EU countries. My exact wording, and this is important, was:
By the 31st of December 2008, I resolve to have visited each of the 27 member states of the European Union.
And, I’ve done that. Sadly I didn’t manage to visit them all in 2008 but I have now visited all 27 countries at some point. And, in fact, if you count standing outside Dublin airport then I did visit them all in a year.
Pictures are on my Flickr pages, I’ll be adding more pictures and country posts as time allows. Here’s the current status which I’ll update as I post more:
I have visited the following 27 countries (But only 26 in 2008.)
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
Countries visited in 2008 will be linked to their posts, no Ireland post as that’s the one I didn’t get to.
For the number crunchers amongst you, and those concerned about my carbon footprint, here are some stats:
In 2007 I visited 8 other countries, taking 18 flights (2 long haul), travelling around 35,750 km (33,000 km by plane).
In 2008 I’ve visited 28 other countries, taking 36 flights (including 2 long haul), travelling around 60,000 km.
Of that total around 37,000 km was doing the EU and 30,500 km of that was by plane, the rest via a helicopter and various cars, buses, ferries, and trains. So I managed to visit three times as many countries and cover more distance than 2007, but flew less (by distance) until my jaunt to Manila added around 22,500km of flight distance.
And, for completeness, here are the all the banners in the EU 2008 set with only the country text on them. There are 26 as Belgium gets two but there’s none for Germany (too dark to get a decent shot when I was there) or Dublin (because I didn’t think to take a picture of the airport).

[…] might have noticed a new link on the right-hand side on the front page, the EU 2008 contains links to all the write-ups that are done and I’ll update it as I do more. It’s […]
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