UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

January 2, 2007

Video Test

Filed under: Photo,Site — SpaceDog @ 12:31 pm

Edit: Changed the date to push this off the front page due to video player issues.

Those looking for deep insight may want to skip this post.

I’ve known for a while that my webhost (the wonderful, and cheap, DreamHost) offers video streaming bits and bobs. I’ve only just discovered that they’ll automatically convert your videos to YouTube-style embedded Flash. So lets try one, this is the first video I found (warning: has sound, although it’s just noise really):

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Cars: I’ve no idea why I recorded this — I there’s probably something cool that you can’t see because it’s too dark.

That’s pretty spiffy, and the process is just press a button, wait, cut-and-paste the result.

Nice. Now I’ll have to see if I’ve any interesting videos, or go out and shoot some.

October 19, 2006

Future warning signs …

Filed under: Photo,Web — SpaceDog @ 5:29 pm

A selection of warning signs we might be seeing in the future. These should really get made into stickers or fridge magnets in time for Christmas. “Existential Threat”, classic.

Yeah, I’m getting round to pictures and some posts about the trip, it’s just taking a while.

September 1, 2006

September Dawns

Filed under: Life,Photo — SpaceDog @ 11:08 am

So, it’s September and a fortnight tomorrow I’m off traveling through Russia, Mongolia and China for a month. I’ve a lot to do between now and then so expect posting to be even less frequent than normal.

Over 80 posts during the eight months of the relaunched UnorthodoxY, getting at least a couple of posts a week, is far better than I imagined I’d do. And 28 comments, some of them not from me (thanks guys), almost makes me think I’ve got a readership.

There have been many more half-written posts and vague ideas that never made it, one of them involved taking some pictures of Edinburgh, wandering around and generally being a tourist in my hometown. I’ll probably still do at least a few posts for that sometime in the future, but since Flickr have just added geotagging it does mean I can link you to this interactive map which shows the set of pictures I took for the first post. This set includes one of my favourite pictures out of all that I’ve taken, this one:


Hopefully I’ll manage to check in with a post or two over the next fortnight, after that … well, we’ll see. Remember, you can always check out the links page, the list on there reflects my current Bloglines subscriptions so it changes over time, maybe there’s a new feed that’ll grab your interest and waste your afternoon. Enjoy.

July 28, 2006

What’s in the box?

Filed under: Photo,Tech,Web — SpaceDog @ 1:05 pm

Oooo, it’s a box …

… filled with paper …
Box with Paper

I wonder what lives in a box like this, find out after the jump …

May 29, 2006

Old dog, new dog, brown dog, blue dog.

Filed under: Photo — SpaceDog @ 11:18 am

Visited the folks last weekend, in part to meet their new puppy.

Brown Dog

Roger, old dog, very good at lying around, gazing out the window and hording his toys where pups can’t reach them.

Blue Dog

Blue, new dog, very good at running around at top speed, barking at squeaky things and licking the floor.

March 10, 2006

Prague: Pictures and Beer

Filed under: Ideas,Photo — SpaceDog @ 10:39 pm

Pictures from Prague are up in the gallery. I filtered down the 290 or so that I took to what you can see there, I may add more later. They’re all taken with my Kodak CX7430 Easy Share which is just great, I’ll probably do a post about the camera one day.

A few words about these two pictures are after the jump …

Me and Beer Beer and Ian

February 5, 2006

Good advice …

Filed under: Life,Photo — SpaceDog @ 5:52 pm

Wandering home this afternoon I found the following …

Carpe Diem

Good advice, although odd to see it scrawled on Leith Walk. That wasn’t the only street advice I found though, more after the jump.


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