UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

January 10, 2012


Filed under: General,Life — SpaceDog @ 2:33 am

2012, year of overblown predictions of Mayan doom. I also predict a year of less posts than last year. That’s an impressive prediction since I didn’t even reach double figures last year, in fact I barely struggled over the half-way line. Maybe it’s time for another revamp where I try and do something clever.

In any case you can follow me on various other sites where there may or may not be more information, including, but not limited to: Google Plus (and Google Schemer — mail me for an invite if you want), Facebook, Linkedin, Flickr, Twitter, Dopplr.

Normally, around the start of the year, I’d have posted some sort of resolution — but truthfully I don’t have any real ones this year. Or nothing interesting at least. I was going to resolve to travel from Manila to Edinburgh without flying, which is still something I’d really like to do but it’s not happening this year.

One last unresolved item, my resolution to visit 12 ‘new’ places over the course of the last year.

So how did I do, well in the Philippines I got to, er, one new place (Boracay) although I did go back to two places I’d been previously (Cebu, where I did manage to actually do some sightseeing and Puerto Galera, where I saw slightly more of the place than I did last time).

Outside the Philippines I fared slightly better visiting Thailand (mainly Bangkok), Cambodia (Siem Reap, Battambang, and Phnom Penhpics), and Vietnam (mostly Ho Chi Minh Citypics).

If you count places I went for work (or as side trips to work destinations) then you can add Florida, Hyderabad, Singapore, and Shenzhen, China.

So, if you’re feeling generous we can maybe call that 12 places … in any case it’s not a bad tally.

Those picture links may not work (Flickr is acting up), I’ll update them if I can — also this should serve as a reminder that there’s at least a handful of pictures that haven’t made it online yet … another thing for the To Do list.

Happy New Year everyone.

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