UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

June 1, 2009

Excuses, excuses …

Filed under: General — SpaceDog @ 3:31 am

Blimey, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I have the flimsiest of excuses.

For the first half of my long absence I was running around madly in Edinburgh trying to sort out the details of my impending relocation to Manila.

And Manila is where I’ve been for the second half of my absence. Everything’s going about as well as can be expected and I’m enjoying myself but I’m still settling in. Manila is one of those places where everything just takes slightly longer than you expect, so I still don’t have everything properly sorted out. Like internet access in my apartment.

Of course that’s no excuse, no ‘net access in my apartment doesn’t stop wandering to the nearest Starbucks (sadly as common here as anywhere else on earth), or just using the connection at work (until the reactive firewall decides to block the site).

My excuse could be that I’ve been too busy over here. It’s almost true, I’ve been thrown into the deep end of my new job and I find myself thrashing around trying to work out exactly what’s what while trying not to screw anything up too badly. Planning projects, inducting new employees, interviewing potential employees and – urk – talking to customers has actually kept me fairly busy.

But not so busy that I’ve stopped wasting a fair amount of time reading whatever junk websites the corporate IT department deems fit for my time (Facebook is blocked but Twitter is fine, I’m confused.)

And if I’d really been spending time settling in I’d have unpacked more than half the suitcases and boxes I’d brought over.

I had meant to head out to do something interesting this weekend so that I’d have something to write about today. I’d dug out the camera, charged the batteries, packed the guidebook and planned a bit of tourist trail.

And then it rained.

And I thought I’ll give it an hour and it’ll pass.

And then it rained harder.

And than, to hammer home the point, it rained even harder.

So I decided to skip the wandering around in the wet, and hung around watching the Discovery Channel. That would have been an excellent point to dart across to Starbucks and do write this post, but I didn’t.

I have no excuse.

The rainy season lasts for months, but hopefully I’ll be fully connected in a new apartment within weeks. Perhaps then I’ll find the correct combination of interesting content, motivation and free time to return to regular communication.

Or I’ll find a better excuse.


  1. Have you started a new blog and not told anyone the address??

    Comment by Grinch — June 18, 2009 @ 2:48 am

  2. Maybe …

    No, although because I’m relatively easy to find I do have to avoid writing about work.

    And since work is largely what I’ve done lately (with a healthy dose of eating and drinking) I don’t have much to write about. I’m hoping to get move into a place with decent internet next weekend, hopefully I should be able manage some posts then.

    Comment by SpaceDog — June 21, 2009 @ 6:38 am

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