UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

May 31, 2007

Distractions …

Filed under: Life — SpaceDog @ 9:54 pm

You’d think the lack of posts would mean I’ve been busy … but no, just lazy and easily distracted.

Of course that’s only going to get worse as now Big Brother is back on our screens. This year they’ve filled the house (initally at least) with just women, there’s quite a lot of girly screaming going at the moment, it could get quite grating. It actually seems a nice mix of people this year so it might be quite watchable but we’ll have to see what happens when they start sending the men in.

I’ve also been playing a fair bit of poker recently, I’m going to give a quick plug to The Nuts Poker League which is a pub poker league. It’s free to enter and I was quite worried about the sort of people it’d attract but it gets quite a good crowd and it’s actually good fun. If you’ve got a game near you then it’s worth checking out.

It did strike me the other day that poker might be the bingo of my generation. Perhaps in the future the youngsters will be doing something different and scoffing that their parents are “off to the poker again”.

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