UnorthodoxY Archive It's wasn't what you thought

January 13, 2007

Going Places

Filed under: Travel — SpaceDog @ 1:41 pm

Last year I went to five new countries (I think) and ten new places (although I might be missing some that are closer to home). That’s not even one a month. Certainly something to aim for this year, maybe I’ll tack it onto my new years resolution.

The last few years I’ve gone on holiday in February, it gives me something to look forward to during the dull days of January. This year is no exception and so I’m sandwiching a few days in Berlin between visiting friends in London and Oslo.

I choose Berlin because it has cheap flights at reasonable times from and to the places I need to be and because I’ve been advised that there’s “lots to do”. I’m not entirely sure what to do, but I’ve got a month of work to surf various travel sites to find things. Suggestions are also welcome.

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