So, it’s September and a fortnight tomorrow I’m off traveling through Russia, Mongolia and China for a month. I’ve a lot to do between now and then so expect posting to be even less frequent than normal.
Over 80 posts during the eight months of the relaunched UnorthodoxY, getting at least a couple of posts a week, is far better than I imagined I’d do. And 28 comments, some of them not from me (thanks guys), almost makes me think I’ve got a readership.
There have been many more half-written posts and vague ideas that never made it, one of them involved taking some pictures of Edinburgh, wandering around and generally being a tourist in my hometown. I’ll probably still do at least a few posts for that sometime in the future, but since Flickr have just added geotagging it does mean I can link you to this interactive map which shows the set of pictures I took for the first post. This set includes one of my favourite pictures out of all that I’ve taken, this one:

Hopefully I’ll manage to check in with a post or two over the next fortnight, after that … well, we’ll see. Remember, you can always check out the links page, the list on there reflects my current Bloglines subscriptions so it changes over time, maybe there’s a new feed that’ll grab your interest and waste your afternoon. Enjoy.