The alliteration would have worked better had I managed to post this in the morning …
A few links, distractions, whatever to make up for no posts over the last few days, yesterday my hungover self was strangely distracted by this little flash gem. I also discovered that I am, apparently, a Badger:

What Is Your Animal Personality? ( Brought to you by Quizilla )
Some more self-discovery and a bit of other nonsense the jump.
According to My Ultimate Sci-Fi Profile II: which sci-fi crew would you best fit in?, from, this badger would be most suited to:
Moya (Farscape). You are surrounded by muppets. But that is okay because they are your friends and have shown many times that they can be trusted. Now if only you could stop being bothered about wormholes.
Babylon 5 took second place in my Sci Fi ideal placement list, and Stargate just edged out Galactica for third. But everyone’ll end up on Stargate anyway, they always do.
A bit more geekiness, instructions to build your very own lightsaber using handy parts from your local DIY store.
And just in case you’ve not seen it yet, explore your own favourite conspiracy with Google Mars.
Animal Quiz found on Mental Nurse, Sci Fi one on Bad Astronomy Blog, the rest snagged from