Pictures from Prague are up in the gallery. I filtered down the 290 or so that I took to what you can see there, I may add more later. They’re all taken with my Kodak CX7430 Easy Share which is just great, I’ll probably do a post about the camera one day.
A few words about these two pictures are after the jump …

Of course they’ll serve other drinks if you ask, but having a default option plonked in front of you neatly avoids the whole tourist “Hmmm, what shall I have” thing and gives the whole place a different feel from the competition.
I think the idea, with the music, the tables, the continually appearing booze, would work equally well over here. Particularly in Edinburgh where you can trade on the local breweries and base it in somewhere with an (almost) genuine history. The tourists would love it, plus you’d be able to cater for the stag nights and work nights out that roam the city.
Personally if I was to create a similar beer hall in Edinburgh I might lean more towards having buxom wenches dishing out the pints rather than the mustachioed Czech guys we had. But maybe that’s just me.